最近真的有很多很好看的电影!因为我要省钱所以一个星期只能看一部电影,在这里星期二看电影是半价的!我最近看了两部电影!The Happening & You dont mess with Zohan!!! 下个星期二看的电影是Kung Fu Panda!!!
The Happening - is a science fiction movie. If u love to watch Sixth Sense, then u will love tis movie too because tis movie is created by the same creator of Sixth Sense. There is airborne in the town, a science teacher tried to protect his wife n daughter of his fren. Anyone who is affected by the airborne will consequently kill themselves. So in this movie, u will see everyone is killing themselves by different method, such as shot themselves by gun, stab themselves, hang themselves on the tree.....if u r not brave enough n u dun like to watch horror or scary movie, u better dun watch this movie.

You dont mess with Zohan -- is a comedy. But i think there is a story behind the comedy, kinda political n racism issues. Just enjoy the movie, the funny part, tis movie is under my expectation, i tot it is really funny but it is not.
