星期天早上,理所当然要迟一点才起身,因为这样才像星期天!!! 因为迟起来的关系所以早餐和午餐都是一起吃,英文所称的Brunch = breakfast + lunch. 先介绍我的brunch有些什么: scrumble egg with bacon, viana toast, baked bean, mushroom soup and rock melon.

我家里的厨师,很坚持地要煮蘑菇汤给我喝,不是罐头的蘑菇汤,而是他自己煮的蘑菇汤,用部butter, flour, milk and cream,到最后就用blender把蘑菇全部打烂!汤的名字叫creamy mushroom soup, 所以是非常奶!! 相片里面很像黑芝麻糊的就是蘑菇汤!

this is scrumble egg with bacon, scrumble egg supposed to be plain, no bacon in it, tis is more or less like omellette. i learnt how to cook scrumble egg, add some cream, pepper and salt into the egg into stir together. The bread (became toast in the pic) is viana, head chef in the house said that it is european bread, we got it from a bakery open by vietnamese, fresh made everyday.

this is fruit of my brunch, rockmelon!!! one of my favourite fruit!!! same family with honeydew but tis is much better than honeydew!! i love it!!

wat do u think bout my brunch? it was nice, wasn't it? haha!! anyway have to do more exercise after having tis FULL brunch!!! by the way, thx for my head chef to cook tis for me!!! thank u!!