吃饭的时候,他又跟我讲话,可是我不想理他,我就回答他“我很久没有听你讲话,我听不懂你在讲什么!”另外一个朋友就说“你应该跟他讲你听不懂中国话!”我们在讽刺他!接着我们就开始针对他,笑他的英文,sank u, happy birsday, 笑他考车靠了三次才及格,因为考车管是看人的,而且他一来就讲sank u,所以就不及格了!哈哈!
他:“有一句话我憋在心里面很久了想要跟你讲,我再也忍不住了,lisa, 是时候减肥了!”
韩国传统无烟炭烧烤肉!无烟是骗人的,炭烧确实是真的!上星期六晚上爱吃二人组到Cora Korean BBQ 吃!韩国烤肉在Perth还算流行,因为最近开了满多间,Cora就是其中一间!因为新店开张所以在报纸上有做宣传,只要带着他们所刊登的广告就能享受20% off。原价$35, after discount $28, 所以两个人就省了$14. 很划!
忘了强调这是自助餐,所以全部的食物都任拿!猪肉,牛肉,鸡肉,羊肉,虾,八爪鱼,mussel, kimchi, sushi, miso soup, dessert.......


差不多吃了一个半小时,我们都撑着了!就这就是甜品!对了,他们还免费提供汽水!Conclusion, 有20% off 是很值得了,记得千万不要穿太美的衣服去吃korean bbq,因为衣服都会臭臭的,也有可能会沾到油迹!
星期天早上,理所当然要迟一点才起身,因为这样才像星期天!!! 因为迟起来的关系所以早餐和午餐都是一起吃,英文所称的Brunch = breakfast + lunch. 先介绍我的brunch有些什么: scrumble egg with bacon, viana toast, baked bean, mushroom soup and rock melon.
我家里的厨师,很坚持地要煮蘑菇汤给我喝,不是罐头的蘑菇汤,而是他自己煮的蘑菇汤,用部butter, flour, milk and cream,到最后就用blender把蘑菇全部打烂!汤的名字叫creamy mushroom soup, 所以是非常奶!! 相片里面很像黑芝麻糊的就是蘑菇汤!
this is scrumble egg with bacon, scrumble egg supposed to be plain, no bacon in it, tis is more or less like omellette. i learnt how to cook scrumble egg, add some cream, pepper and salt into the egg into stir together. The bread (became toast in the pic) is viana, head chef in the house said that it is european bread, we got it from a bakery open by vietnamese, fresh made everyday.
wat do u think bout my brunch? it was nice, wasn't it? haha!! anyway have to do more exercise after having tis FULL brunch!!! by the way, thx for my head chef to cook tis for me!!! thank u!!

this is fruit of my brunch, rockmelon!!! one of my favourite fruit!!! same family with honeydew but tis is much better than honeydew!! i love it!!

it was aunty jeanne's day off yesterday, i asked her to go to IKEA. I dunno why i like to go to IKEA for no reason.
The cafe located at the left hand side of the entrance, so absolutely we will visit the cafe first! Swedish meetball our first choice! actually they din provide much variety in the cafe, the meetball will be the best to choice. Meetball with chips, cranberry jam and cream sauce and we have salad. The food there is cheap and above average.
We shop around after our meal, this is a new IKEA store, u will get loss in the showroom which i did yesterday. the only way to get out is follow the arrow on the floor. the store is double storey, ground floor is the marketplace which u pick up your parcel and checkout, first floor is cafe n showroom.
Guess wat. we din buy furniture from IKEA but we buy food from IKEA, meetball, cranberry jam and cream sauce (gravy for meetball ball).
The cafe located at the left hand side of the entrance, so absolutely we will visit the cafe first! Swedish meetball our first choice! actually they din provide much variety in the cafe, the meetball will be the best to choice. Meetball with chips, cranberry jam and cream sauce and we have salad. The food there is cheap and above average.
We shop around after our meal, this is a new IKEA store, u will get loss in the showroom which i did yesterday. the only way to get out is follow the arrow on the floor. the store is double storey, ground floor is the marketplace which u pick up your parcel and checkout, first floor is cafe n showroom.
Guess wat. we din buy furniture from IKEA but we buy food from IKEA, meetball, cranberry jam and cream sauce (gravy for meetball ball).
Tats it for today!! wait for next post!!
Double 4
First at all, let me say Happy Birthday to Aunty Jeanne!!! It was her birthday yesterday! 4th April.
It was my day off yesterday too, din go to work din do my assignment, completely free (means that i need to put more effort today to catch up wat i left over yesterday).
I wanna get a laser printer which can prnt faster than bubble jet. lolz. Actually i went to dick smith on tue adter my HR Block class. The girl told me tat they only have the one on display n they dun have any stock coming in. i said ok then i will take the one on the display. she told me to wait while she grab the box for the printer. ok, after i have been waiting for 15-20mins, she came out from store room n told me tat they dun have the box anymore so they cant sell it to me!!! fine, i try my luck again yesterday. i went to jb hi-fi. i was so excited when i saw the price is even lower than dick smith. again, same thing happened. they only have the one on the display no more stock!!!! BUT, they have stock coming in next week. Should be a good news, isn't it?
I found that the supply in Perth cant catch up with the demand, everything sold out, wats wrong with the stock manager, wats wrong with the delivery, i just dun get it! even u have lots money but u cant get wat u want!!! i m pissed off!!! Wii console is sold out too, one of the promoter told me that the daily production of Wii is 2million. can u believe tat? the production is for whole world, means tat almost everyone owns a wii now. I wanna have one too so i have place an order at toy 'r' us with the deposit of $20.
I went to a bakery in Canning Hwy called Cakes Delight Bakery (something like tat) owned by singapore chinese. My favourite chocolate cake all reserved, aunty jeanne's favourite durian cake sold out!!! OMG!!! i hate to listen 'SOLD OUT'!!! Finally i got a PEAR WILLIAMS CAKE, never heard of tis cake. no ideal wats inside the cake, definitely u have pear as shown in the name. i asked the guy should i put it into freezer, he said yes yes, our cake is non-artificial! the cake is quite expensive compare with The Cheesecake Shop, half KG costs me about $27, usually we cn pick up a 1kg cake from cheesecake shop around tat price too. when i get home, i listen to wat i have been told by tat guy, i put the cake into the freezer.
The cake was rock hard when aunty jeanne got home, she asked me why did i put it into the freezer, i told her that i was told to do so, she was angry (she can angry easily). she rang the bakery n asked them wats the reason to put the cake into the freezer (because the cake is not an ice-cream cake), she said how m i going to eat the cake. bla bla bla. i think the person in the phone will keep on apologize.
at nite, we went to a restaurant called FOO WAH in collins road. myra, willy, aunty jeanne n me, 4 of us. we have peking duck n sheng choi bao, sambal kangkung, 佛山鸡,姜葱鹿肉 and butter prawn. big feast!! the duck and 佛山鸡 are perfect, very nice dishes. sambal kangkung and butter prawn above average. i dun like 姜葱鹿肉, not tasty like the restaurant in beaufort. everyone enjoy the meal coz we almost finished all of them. after the meal, we have the cake for dessert. lucky the cake is soft, or else i m sure aunty jeanne will call the bakery again!!! we went home after the meal. it was an enjoyable dinner with myra n willy.
tat was my double 4 of 2008, kinda exciting but not really exciting!! haha!! lame
It was my day off yesterday too, din go to work din do my assignment, completely free (means that i need to put more effort today to catch up wat i left over yesterday).
I wanna get a laser printer which can prnt faster than bubble jet. lolz. Actually i went to dick smith on tue adter my HR Block class. The girl told me tat they only have the one on display n they dun have any stock coming in. i said ok then i will take the one on the display. she told me to wait while she grab the box for the printer. ok, after i have been waiting for 15-20mins, she came out from store room n told me tat they dun have the box anymore so they cant sell it to me!!! fine, i try my luck again yesterday. i went to jb hi-fi. i was so excited when i saw the price is even lower than dick smith. again, same thing happened. they only have the one on the display no more stock!!!! BUT, they have stock coming in next week. Should be a good news, isn't it?
I found that the supply in Perth cant catch up with the demand, everything sold out, wats wrong with the stock manager, wats wrong with the delivery, i just dun get it! even u have lots money but u cant get wat u want!!! i m pissed off!!! Wii console is sold out too, one of the promoter told me that the daily production of Wii is 2million. can u believe tat? the production is for whole world, means tat almost everyone owns a wii now. I wanna have one too so i have place an order at toy 'r' us with the deposit of $20.
I went to a bakery in Canning Hwy called Cakes Delight Bakery (something like tat) owned by singapore chinese. My favourite chocolate cake all reserved, aunty jeanne's favourite durian cake sold out!!! OMG!!! i hate to listen 'SOLD OUT'!!! Finally i got a PEAR WILLIAMS CAKE, never heard of tis cake. no ideal wats inside the cake, definitely u have pear as shown in the name. i asked the guy should i put it into freezer, he said yes yes, our cake is non-artificial! the cake is quite expensive compare with The Cheesecake Shop, half KG costs me about $27, usually we cn pick up a 1kg cake from cheesecake shop around tat price too. when i get home, i listen to wat i have been told by tat guy, i put the cake into the freezer.
The cake was rock hard when aunty jeanne got home, she asked me why did i put it into the freezer, i told her that i was told to do so, she was angry (she can angry easily). she rang the bakery n asked them wats the reason to put the cake into the freezer (because the cake is not an ice-cream cake), she said how m i going to eat the cake. bla bla bla. i think the person in the phone will keep on apologize.
at nite, we went to a restaurant called FOO WAH in collins road. myra, willy, aunty jeanne n me, 4 of us. we have peking duck n sheng choi bao, sambal kangkung, 佛山鸡,姜葱鹿肉 and butter prawn. big feast!! the duck and 佛山鸡 are perfect, very nice dishes. sambal kangkung and butter prawn above average. i dun like 姜葱鹿肉, not tasty like the restaurant in beaufort. everyone enjoy the meal coz we almost finished all of them. after the meal, we have the cake for dessert. lucky the cake is soft, or else i m sure aunty jeanne will call the bakery again!!! we went home after the meal. it was an enjoyable dinner with myra n willy.
tat was my double 4 of 2008, kinda exciting but not really exciting!! haha!! lame
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