There is a very close relationship between tax and accounting, maybe u can say tat tax is part of accounting. I am addicted to tax since i first took my tax unit in my degree, i found that it is more interesting than accounting as accounting is just a set of formula and rules. However, I think tax is more challenging and related to our daily life. I can save tax but without doing it illegally, it is extremely useful.
So i decided to do postgraduate diploma of taxation. When i am totally focus on my taxation rules, i found that i forgot the basic thing of accounting not even bookkeeping which i learnt since i was 16. Holy shit!!! I forgot how to do profit and loss statement, balance sheet, trial balance....wat has a credit or debit characteristics! i dunno!!!! it took me more than 30mins to think a single step of accounting!!! Its a shame on me because i am holding an Accounting degree!!! I think i have to back to basic of accounting again to refresh part of my brain which consists of all the accounting database!!!