工作的地方最近来了几个令人很讨厌的人,懒惰、自作聪明、上班时间去抽烟。。。。其中有一个男的给我弄哭了,17或18岁的男子躲在cold room里面哭,很不幸的给我看到!当我有心教他东西,他不听,不听就算了,动作很慢,早上五点到六点的时间,一个小时的时间就是给我们准备开门做生意,当然要先准备早餐用的东西,他并不是这样,为什么他每天早上在那边工作可是他却不知道这么简单的道理,这么简单的程序?我那天教会他了,给了他一个教训,经理也知道我这样做,经理也不管。直到昨天我上班又遇到他,他学会了,他怕了,虽然速度还是不够快,但始总算可以一个人应付。
我每个星期只是星期五早上上班,everytime i arrived at work i know shit happened, i should say they always leave the shit thing for me. Last fri, they din dump the oil in the pump since the previous sat. They left the oil in the pump for whole week, wat were they doing? those ppl doing open from sun to thu, why cant you gys scoop the oil from the pump? just because the oil is stink? or because the oil is disgusting? if it is, why i have to do it? it was not my fault. yesterday i back to work, same shit but different day, the drain valve of the 4th fryer was blocked, i have to scoop the oil by using container into the pump. Guess wat, the oil temperature was 100 degree(usually oil temperature is 170 degree) I can burn myself anytime and sue the company.
i think i have enough with this job, maybe one day i will just walk out n tell the manager, tats it i have enough. i really sick of this job, sick of the place, sick of those lazy ppl working there, sick of shit things that they left it to me, sick of those ppl go for a smoke during work, sick of those weird ppl.

My personal chef made me Mexican food - Nacho for lunch yesterday! Quite interesting food and easy to prepare.
Wat you need are : Corn chips (original flavour - unsalted), shredded cheese, sour cream, n any ingredient u like for ur dipping.
I got minced beef, kidney bean, button mushroom, capsicum, celery, onion and a touch of pepper n chili powder with italian pasta sauce for the dipping. Mexican food meant to be spicy. This is my personal chef own recipe. She subsitute the mexicana sauce with italian pasta sauce.
Spread the corn chips on the oven plate, spread shredded cheese on the corn chips make sure the cheese is on every corn chip but not too much of cheese. Put into oven n wait till the cheese melt. keep ur eyes on it or else the corn chips will burn.
When everything is ready, get a piece of corn chip, put some dipping on the chip n sour cream on top. Open your mouth! You will love it!!!
Movie season
Its long Easter weekend...many nice movies are in the cinema now...
I watched two movies within a week...i break my record...i went for Vantage Point on sunday and today i went for Step Up 2 The Street. Both of them are good movies.

Vantage Point is an action movie. The way the director made this movie is very unique, never watch a movie like tis before. I tried so hard to figure out wats going on, the movie din tell me directly wats going on, its like playing back from different point of view and u will wonder n talk to urself "now i know". Vantage Point - good movie!!

Step Up 2 The Street is a movie for teenagers. Story talking bout a girl used to dance hip-hop on the street but due to her guardian, she has to study in a art school. Her street dancing gang kick her out from their gang becoz of she is going to school. Finally, she form a group of hip-hop dancer n battle with her previous street dancing group. The dancing in the movie is perfect.
Overall, I think Vantage Point is more exciting n interesting. But on the other hand, if u love hip hop dancing then u will love Step Up 2.
I watched two movies within a week...i break my record...i went for Vantage Point on sunday and today i went for Step Up 2 The Street. Both of them are good movies.

Vantage Point is an action movie. The way the director made this movie is very unique, never watch a movie like tis before. I tried so hard to figure out wats going on, the movie din tell me directly wats going on, its like playing back from different point of view and u will wonder n talk to urself "now i know". Vantage Point - good movie!!

Step Up 2 The Street is a movie for teenagers. Story talking bout a girl used to dance hip-hop on the street but due to her guardian, she has to study in a art school. Her street dancing gang kick her out from their gang becoz of she is going to school. Finally, she form a group of hip-hop dancer n battle with her previous street dancing group. The dancing in the movie is perfect.
Overall, I think Vantage Point is more exciting n interesting. But on the other hand, if u love hip hop dancing then u will love Step Up 2.
Let's R-O-L-L
Let's ROLL
For the 1st time i was freak...dun dare to move...but at least i felt how can i walk with 8 wheels under my shoes. cant balance well, worried to fall down, etc.
2nd time, i can roll better than the 1st time...i roll faster, i can balance better, i got more confident...but i fell down...accident was happened when my body went backward. i was sliding hit my butt on the floor, twisted my left index finger. I couldn't stand up coz my butt was really hurt. my instructor was shocked n she was too far from me so she din make to catch me.
However, i will not give up as falling down is the essential part when u learn to walk so as when u learn to play rollerblade. I will take tis challenge keep rolling....ROLLERBLADE ROCKS!!! LISA ROCKS!!!
I m learning rollerblade...which i always want to learn...now i got it...so happy....
- Instructor - Jeanne (F.O.C)
- Rollerblade - BladeX women size 6 ($149.99)
- Protection tools - wrist, elbow & knee cap ($34.99)
- Go to a wide n smooth surface. (path in the park)
- Put protection tools on
- Put rollerblade on
- Body bend forward, never go backward
- Start roll.
For the 1st time i was freak...dun dare to move...but at least i felt how can i walk with 8 wheels under my shoes. cant balance well, worried to fall down, etc.
2nd time, i can roll better than the 1st time...i roll faster, i can balance better, i got more confident...but i fell down...accident was happened when my body went backward. i was sliding hit my butt on the floor, twisted my left index finger. I couldn't stand up coz my butt was really hurt. my instructor was shocked n she was too far from me so she din make to catch me.
However, i will not give up as falling down is the essential part when u learn to walk so as when u learn to play rollerblade. I will take tis challenge keep rolling....ROLLERBLADE ROCKS!!! LISA ROCKS!!!
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